holiday traditions to start with your family

The Calm Before the Holiday Storm – Starting Family Traditions

Hey everyone! We are officially in that time period during the holidays where most of the preparations and planning are complete, the presents are all purchased, the house is shining from head to toe, and the countdown to Santa has begun. I refer to this time as the “calm before the storm.” It’s the perfect time to think about starting fun family traditions for the holidays!

I’m not sure about everyone else, but we GO BIG during the holidays. We have a HUGE family with tons of kids. In the past, everyone flies into South Florida to stay with us for the big celebration. Our doors are revolving, the air mattresses get dusted off and set up, and all guest rooms are at full occupancy. It is definitely chaotic and crazy, but there is nothing better. It truly is magical and amazing watching the cousins play together and make lifelong memories.

Fun Family Traditions for the Holidays

Before things settle down on the planning and organizing front the chaos of endless family ensues, we like to take a moment to create traditions and memories with our own kiddos. Sometimes with all the parties and festivities, it can be hard to focus just on your kids. It takes a lot to create those one-on-one memories.

Christmas Breakfast

One cute and simple family tradition we do before all the guests arrive is make a family Christmas breakfast. The best part of this tradition is that we usually already have everything we need to create this Christmas breakfast! We play Christmas carols, make a big breakfast, and let the kids go wild with their imaginations. It really is a lot of fun and a great way to kick off the holidays. We can make lasting memories with the kids before the entire family arrives.

holiday traditions to start with your family

holiday traditions to start with your family

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! And remember, through all the fun, chaos, and madness of the holiday season, make time to create some cherished one-on-one memories with your kids.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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  1. I love this! We have a few traditions that are specific for our family and they are some of the best parts of the holiday each year.