Tips For The Week- Amazon Dash Buttons, Sweater Weather, and Pediatric Advice…..
Alison’s Tip
What??!! You haven’t head about AMAZON DASH BUTTONS? Well….get ready for me to change your life. Amazon dash buttons are small buttons that you program to a product you use in your home. They have Tide, Downy, Glad-lock, Quilted Northern, etc. (it’s endless) The buttons have a sticker on the back that you peel off and secure next to the items in your home. (ie. the washing machine) When you are running low on the product, you simply press the button and the next day the item in need is sent to you:) Genius and so efficient. You must try them out.
Katie’s Tip
With school back in session, I am seeing a surge of head lice in the emergency room. Here are some quick tips to help prevent your child from getting head lice.
- Keep long hair tied up in ponytails or even better, braids or a bun.
- Make sure your child knows not to share hats and hair accessories with friends
- Make sure not to share helmets during sporting games and practices
- Use a little hairspray to keep stray hairs contained.
- Use tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, or rosemary oil by adding a few drops to your regular shampoo, or by making a spritz by adding a few drops to water in a spray bottle.
Carrie’s Tip
It’s sweater weather! Well for some of us anyways 🙂 A few good sweaters are the key to revamping your fall wardrobe. I love finding ones that aren’t too heavy and have a more slouchy silhouette. In the fall I hate feeling too bulky with tons of layers or super hot. Here are a few of my favorite sweaters that are both cute and affordable. I picked out all different styles that will give you plenty of options to work with when putting together cute outfits.
{Grey slouchy sweater, light pink scalloped hem, green off the shoulder, low v front grey sweater}