healthy sleep solutions for kids

Getting Back to Good Sleep for Back-to-School

Sleep and bedtime routines are more important than ever in creating a sense of balance in your household when kids are getting back into the routine of school. Figuring out healthy sleep solutions is so important for your kids – and for your own sanity!

But why?

Good sleep hygiene and a proper bedtime are imperative for the health and development of your child. Sleep has been the focus of many pediatric studies, all revealing that poor sleep hygiene can lead to dangerous consequences.

Today, we’re breaking down the dangers of sleep deprivation for your child and what important steps you should take to ensure your child gets a good night’s sleep.

And stick around to the end for some of our favorite products for healthy sleep solutions to create good sleep habits for your children.

Dangers of Poor Sleep in Kids

1. Decreased Immunity

Sleep is extremely important to maintaining good health and strong immunity. When our children are run down and tired, they become more vulnerable to becoming sick.

While we sleep, our bodies recharge and become stronger.

As we head back to school, children will become exposed to new germs. This exposure leads to a surge of illness during the early months of school, especially. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, backed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommends a certain number of hours of sleep each night for different age groups.

  • Infants 4 months to 12 months should sleep 12 to 16 hours per 24 hours (including naps)
  • Ages 1 to 2 years should sleep 11 to 14 hours per 24 hours (including naps)
  • Children 3 to 5 years of age should sleep 10 to 13 hours per 24 hours (including naps)
  • 6- to 12-year-olds should sleep 9 to 12 hours per 24 hours
  • Teenagers 13 to 18 years of age should sleep 8 to 10 hours per 24 hours

2. Decreased Performance at School

A study published in Pediatrics found that children with irregular bedtimes had more behavioral difficulties. According to Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson, not only does poor sleep lead to worse behavior, a child with behavior challenges may have a difficult time sleeping.

In addition to the cycle of behavioral challenges and lack of sleep, insufficient sleep in children can also lead to weight issues, hypertension, diabetes, depression and decreased performance at school.

The bottom line is that consistent sleep routines lead to positive outcomes such as improved attention, better behavior, improved emotional regulation, and overall good health.

3. Decreased Ability to Cope with Stress

Lack of sleep does not only affect a child’s mood but also affects their concentration and their ability to cope with stress. Sleep deprivation can lead to your child being overly emotional, experiencing frequent temper tantrums, and showing difficulty controlling impulses.

And we all know these behaviors do NOT mix well in the classroom environment. So getting a full night of healthy sleep is key.

Tips to Help Your Child Fall Asleep Easier

1. Bedtime Routine for Kids

Establishing healthy sleep solutions in a solid bedtime routine is imperative to creating good sleep hygiene. It is important that your child starts to wind down and allow their mind to get ready for sleep. Having the same routine every night prepares your child for bedtime.

Many parents don’t realize that a late bedtime can actually result in difficulty falling asleep and resistance to the bedtime routine. For most children, an appropriate bedtime is between 7:30pm and 8pm.

I recommend starting your transition about a week prior to the first day of school. Each night, adjust your child’s sleep routine by about 15 minutes. Remember to keep the bedtime routine exactly the same as you normally would as the nighttime cues will help your child feel comforted and safe. These bedtime routines also help your child know it’s time for bed, even if sun’s still out!

2. Follow Your Child’s Cues

Did you know that kids under the age of 12, or before puberty, get tired naturally around 8pm?

Around 8pm there is a natural rise in a child’s melatonin level.

Seize the opportunity to transition kids to bed around that time. Make sure to look for cues like yawning, rubbing eyes, and moodiness. Try and set bedtime within 30 minutes of these drowsiness cues for an easier transition to bed.

3. Decrease Screen Time

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all screens be turned off 30 minutes to 1-2 hours before bedtime.

TVs are not the only issue. Small screens (like smart phones and tablets) are actually even more disruptive to sleep than TV. The light from these devices can impede natural hormones that help us fall asleep. Interruptions from these devices can also break apart our sleep.

Never sleep with your cell phone, and do not let your children either.

Our Favorite Healthy Sleep Solutions and Products for Kids

1. Hatch Baby Rest Sound Machine

2. Moon Lamp Kids Night Light

3. Frida Baby 3-in-1 Humidifier, Diffuser, and Night Light

4. toniebox Music Box

5. Pillow Pets

6. Moonlite Storybook Projector

7. Dream Tents

8. Stoplight Alarm Clock

9. Shhh! This Book is Sleeping

10. Goodnight Moon

11. Headspace Meditation and Sleep App

12. Yoto Playerhealthy sleep solutions for good habits for children

Final Thoughts on Back-to-School Healthy Sleep Solutions

Sometimes kids have trouble falling asleep even when conditions all seem to be right. If you notice your child’s sleep struggles happening more regularly, keeping a sleep diary can help you uncover the causes of your child’s sleep problems. A sleep diary will be especially helpful if you plan to talk to your child’s doctor about your concerns.

But with a little effort, most children will adjust to an earlier bedtime for school with ease!

~Dr. Katiekids need a good night's sleep

Important Reminder: Never give your child an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine to make them sleepy. Always read the label before giving your child any OTC medicine. OTC cold and flu medicines may contain diphenhydramine, which can cause drowsiness. It is important to only treat your child with the right OTC medicine for the symptoms they are presenting, not to aid in sleep. Please consult a physician before giving your child an OTC medicine.

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  1. My daughter just turned 2 months old today. Is it okay for her to sleep throughout the night without waking up to eat? She used to wake up when she was a newborn but now she just sleeps all the way through.

  2. Yes, it’s imperative that all age groups get the appropriate amount of rest. We farm in Indiana and keep bedtime schedules year round, not just during school months.

  3. I had no idea there was a natural rise in melatonin around 8pm. That’s so helpful to know! Thanks for sharing. These are all great tips.