What’s on My Baby Registry? 14 Must Have Products Before Your Baby’s Arrival!
Hey guys! Buying for baby #1 is tough. You walk into those big box stores and you have no earthly idea what to buy. You just point and shoot with your registry gun, hoping that these items will make life easier for you once your baby gets here. Diving back into baby #2, I now know what items I need to keep around and what products can continue collecting dust in my garage. My best advice is to ask other moms for help. Simple but true. Do your research and see what other parents are raving about! What are those special items that will save you time and make this stage easier on you? Well, maybe not easier but a little more bearable right?
I am super excited because today I am narrowing it all down for you and giving you my favorite baby products that I am buying for little Greenberg. And today is your lucky day because we are partnering with Bundoo to give you a chance to win two Nesting Days baby carriers (his or hers) PLUS a ZOE Stroller (single or double) or a high chair! Total prize value is over $450! Yep you heard me right! An amazing giveaway that am I am stoked to offer you guys.
Click HERE to enter!
Nesting Days Carrier:
With Jax, I am positive that I tried out 3-5 baby carriers until I landed on a basic soft wrap. After spending way too much time trying to figure out how to wrap it each day, I was defeated. For me, a soft carrier is the way to go in the beginning. I want something comfortable, hands free, and light weight. The Nesting Days carrier is perfect for infants because it allows you to have that much needed skin to skin contact! I love how you just slip it on and you don’t need to watch an entire YouTube video on how to wear it. If I am being honest (my sisters can attest to this), I barely wore clothing for the first 4 months after I had Jax because I was just so uncomfortable wearing anything. I love how I can wear this carrier as a top while i’m running around getting my stuff done. It’s also great for anyone having a C-section like me because the bottom section of the carrier provides support to that area which is KEY for recovery! They also make a male version too. My hubby already has one and is ready to go! Hot dad alert!
Zoe Stroller:
When I walk into my garage it seriously looks like a stroller store. I am always trying to find the right stroller- the right weight, the right size for traveling or working out, etc. My every day stroller is insanely heavy. I used it mostly in the beginning to transfer my baby from their car seat. But for those days when I just can’t manage the weight, I always bring my Zoe Stroller with me. It collapses and opens in seconds using one hand. It weighs 11lbs and comes in a ton of different fun colors to choose from. It’s super affordable for only $179.99! I also have the double stroller ready to go so I can tote both those little boys around next year!
Dr. Brown’s Bottles:
Being a brand ambassador for Dr. Brown’s has been the opportunity of a lifetime for us. All three of us have been using their products for 8+ years and we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon! Their bottles are unparalleled to any other brand. Their options bottles are for sure my favorite! You can use it with or without the vent system depending on what you prefer. I like using the vent system because it helps reduce any feeding problems, preserves vitamins, helps with digestion, and the vent/nipple combination create a vacuum free feeding! This is an easy choice for bottles in my opinion.
Baby Brezza Formula Pro:
Yes. Yes. Yes. Like a Keurig but for bottles! With Jax I didn’t produce enough breastmilk a few months after he was born, so I had to supplement with some formula. I breastfed as long as I could for about 5-6 months and then went straight to formula. Prepping bottles was tiresome and there were many days where I just wanted it to be ready for me. Well hooray because Baby Brezza created that product for you! I am excited to have this product for baby 2! It automatically makes warm formula bottles in seconds. You don’t have to spend any time measuring the powder or sticking it in the microwave to warm up. There is an easy to use control panel on the bottom so you can adjust the ounces you need for each bottle. With my 3 year old running around like a crazy toddler, I will take any spare minutes I can get!
Dock A Tot:
Can they please make this for adults? I love this product and was desperately searching for one with Jax. I like to spend a lot of time during the first few months in my bed because it’s just more comfortable than the couch. I wanted to have something soft and cozy for him that I could snuggle up right next to. The DockATot provides the perfect womb like environment for our little ones to nap in. The cocoon like feeling really makes them feel comforted and is a great place for them to fall asleep. I also have the extra toy accessory so that it’s useful for your baby to play in as well. It’s also a great product for traveling. I love how it can grow with your baby. You can use it even past 36 months! Plus, I am obsessed with all the different prints to choose from depending on your style and preference. Sometimes you don’t need all the bells and whistles. Your little one just wants a snug and cozy spot to fall asleep.
Cozy Pajamas:
If I could literally send each person reading this a swatch of the fabric used for the pajamas you would feel my love for this company. Heaven is a good word for it. I love these PJs so much and I can’t wait to put them on baby Greenberg. Their prints are stylish and unique. You have have so many options to choose from. The gowns are perfect for the first 6 months when changing your baby all day long is a nightmare! If your baby is comfy then they will sleep better. I do laundry 100 times a week and I need my baby’s clothes to stand through a lot of wear and tear. Sometimes the higher quality products are worth every penny. You just get more use out of them and they last longer. Again can you make these for me? I need a pair. I do love my printed PJs, right Al?
This time around I decided to buy my dresser for baby Greenberg on Wayfair. It actually wasn’t meant for a nursery so it didn’t come with a changing table on top. Which I was totally okay with because I was eyeing the Keekaroo for awhile now. My sister in law actually introduced me to it and I am so happy she did. It’s easy to clean. I don’t have to worry about constantly washing the changing pad covers. The material makes it easy to wipe off spit up, food, and whatever other mess your baby creates. The design provides a perfect cozy little nook and prevents your baby from rolling off. Extremely durable!
Aden and Anais Swaddles:
I am the biggest Aden and Anais fan and have been using their products for years now. I love their fabrics. I love their awesome prints. I love how inventive they are with introducing new products to their line. My favorite is the super soft bamboo muslin swaddle blanket. I also use their easy snap swaddles as well. The best part about their blankets is how extremely multi-functional they are. I use them as car seat covers, I use them when we go to the park, and I use them as burp rags. They wear really well, you can wash them a million times, and they never fall apart. I am also obsessed with their burpy bibs. They double as a burp rag that you can throw over your shoulder or snap it around baby’s neck as a classic bib.
Fisher Price Rock and Play:
I’ve tried many baby chairs and rocking machines and this one still will always be my favorite. The vibration, the cozy environment for baby, and the light rock back and forth. Jax did most of his napping in the rock and play and I plan on using it all the time for my next one. I also used it many times in my room next to my bed when I was still co-sleeping. He just slept so much better in it and it became a life saver.
Baby Bjorn Chair:
It could be the be the amazing fabric this chair is made of or the subtle bounce. Or maybe how easy it is to slip your baby in and out. I put this chair on my registry because I needed something lightweight I can throw in the car when I’m heading to Grandma’s house! Something to keep in the bathroom with me while I am taking a shower or getting ready. Or just a great spot for your baby to chill when his is up playing. It also comes with an attachment toy bar to keep your baby entertained!
Cocoon Cam:
I am so excited about this product. We partnered with Cocoon Cam a few months back and I can’t wait to set this up for my baby in the nursery. With Jax, I was a hot mess. Up all night, staring at my monitor, running in and out of his room feeling his belly for breaths. Who wants to live like that? Not me! The Cocoon Cam is a breathing monitor for your baby. It works directly from your smart phone or iPad. It also has HD night vision which is key for me. Trying to figure out where my son is on my monitor now is a fun game of hide and seek every night. I can barely see anything on that thing once the lights are off. The Cocoon Cam has instant alerts to let you know when your baby’s breathing changes, and even lets you know when your baby is starting to wake up, has fallen asleep, or is crying. I’m excited to try this out!
Zoli Electric Nail Trimmer:
All I need to say is who wants to clip their babies nails with that teeny tiny horrifying nail clipper? It is terrifying and each time I did it with Jax, I prayed I wouldn’t cut his skin. Why go through that? Well you don’t have to anymore! Zoli created an electric nail trimmer that makes it so much easier to cut your babies nails. A must buy guys! Must!
Baby Care Reversible Mat:
I have two of these and they just move around my house depending on where we are playing. It’s great for hard floors and an added bonus that it has two sides. I used it when Jax was little and it created a safe environment for him to play. I also bought the play pen that you can buy to go around the mat. It keeps them in one spot and most importantly away from trouble. Definitely a great buy for new baby, and especially when they begin to crawl. Baby Jail is fine with me! We have the train track version and my son still uses it to play trains. Also great for the patio!
Milk Snob Covers:
One of my favorite companies ever. Their covers are amazing because they are SO soft and they also double as a cover while breastfeeding. I have a few prints and I love how versatile they are. They are perfect to cover your car seat when your baby is sleeping, and you can easily slip it off to cover yourself when you’re ready to feed! And their prints are so cute.
I really hope this helped some of you guys narrow down your search for the best baby products. I am happy to answer any questions you may have about these products or any others. Feel free to comment here or send me a message on IG. I have tried every baby product on the market I promise! There are a ton more products I love that I haven’t listed here today, so I will definitely be doing a volume 2 in September. Please stay tuned! And don’t forget to enter our giveaway for your chance to win a Zoe stroller and 2 Nesting Days carriers! No brainer go enter!
Click HERE to enter!