Tips For The Week
Alison’s Tips
Ticks are common parasites that can be found anywhere from the deep woods to urban parks. Ticks can transmit serious diseases to dogs such as ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and others. Speak with your veterinarian regarding proper and effective tick prevention for your pet. My favorite product for tick and flea prevention is Nexgard.
Katie’s Tip
Hey Loves, remember when you are introducing baby food to your infant start with vegetables. Babies love anything sweet! If you start with fruits, you may have a difficult time transitioning to vegetables. See you Wednesday!
Carrie’s Tip
If you want your jeans to keep their shape, make sure to check that your denim has at least 2% lyrca in the fabric. This will keep your jeans from stretching out and becoming too baggy after wear.