The Journey of Forever Freckled

Forever Freckled is a journey that started with two sisters, twin sisters, and their love for running. For as long as I can remember, my twin sister Alison (aka the Veterinarian) and I (aka the Pediatrician) have been been jogging together. It started in middle school training together for track and field, then became a vain attempt to keep the drinking calories off in college, and then an outlet for our stress and exhaustion during graduate school. Our conversations would consist of extremely important topics such as  fashion, friends, drama, and of course boys. As we grew, so did the mileage we ran and the depth of our conversations. Life became more complicated and our jogs became more like therapeutic sessions. Carrie (aka our adorable fashionista) has always been the most important piece to our puzzle.  While Alison and I were pulling all-nighters in medical school, Carrie was pulling all-nighters preparing for fashion week. We were always jealous of her high profile, high paced career in NYC, but more so of her unbelievable wardrobe and style.  We always call Carrie for fashion, beauty, and relationship advice. She has always been the sister that knows how to make you laugh when you want to cry, and makes you feel beautiful even on your worst day.
As life has progressed and we have become career women, wives, and mothers, we spend a significant amount of time not only giving each other advice, but giving advice to our friends and colleagues as well. Whether its how to control a toddler’s fever, handing a pet emergency, or how to look stylish and affordable, we realized that our professions, background and experiences have allowed us to become great sources of advice and guidance for many people. Forever Freckled is a platform to help others navigate through some of life’s challenges, while cherishing the moments, looking good, and having fun along the way. Forever Freckled has given us the opportunity to do what we love the most, to spend time with each other, and to provide guidance and advice.

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