birthday parties at Legoland

How to throw the perfect birthday party at Legoland!

This year when I was thinking about Jax’s 3rd birthday, I immediately became overwhelmed with the thought of putting together a big party for him. Last year we did just that. This year I wanted to try something different. Something that he would remember and  a trip to look forward to. Although parties are fun, they can be expensive and time consuming for us parents. Did I mention exhausting?! So this year, Katie and I had a great idea to throw a dual birthday party for Charlee and Jax at Legoland. A fun joint birthday party at Legoland was something they would both remember! Their birthdays are only 10 days a part in July so it would work out perfectly. We hyped them up for weeks getting them excited for the big weekend. Although Jax is still too young to understand what he wants, Charlee preferred having her party here with just her cousins as opposed to throwing a big party back at home. It’s all about the memories and this trip was one of our best!

throw a birthday party at Legoland

Of course taking your kids to a theme park can be expensive too! But to me it greatly surpasses the amount of money you would spend for 2 hours at a gymnasium or museum.

Here are my top tips to planning the perfect Legoland birthday party:

-Coordinate! If at all possible, try and coordinate with a friend or family member to do a dual birthday party. Asking everyone to come to 1 party was convenient for us and we were able to knock out two parties at once. Plus the kids loved celebrating together.

fun birthday at Legoland

-Hit up the waterpark! If it’s a summer birthday like our kids, make sure to plan a big chunk of time to spend a the water park. We ended up spending 75% of our day here because of the heat and the kids had a blast. Lego tables, water slides, lazy rivers, toddler pools. There is something for everyone to enjoy here.

Celebrating your child's birthday at Legoland

Coupons, coupons, coupons! What I love most about Legoland is that there always seems to be an awesome deal to save on tickets. This summer, if you brought in any 20oz Coca Cola bottle to the ticket booth, they gave you $40 off each ticket. Huge savings!

-There is something for everyone. We brought all 6 kids with us this trip and there was plenty to do for the twins who are only 1 year old. That is the beauty of Legoland. You can find an activity for every age range. Roller coasters for 8 year olds and small toddler areas for the youngest crew in your group. There are also indoor playgrounds to escape to when the heat gets too intense. I wish every theme park had this. Inside the play area was also a really nice baby changing room that made our life so much easier for the almost 2 hours we spent in there with Jax and the twins.

have a happy birthday party at Legoland

-Be prepared! Bring a stroller (the park is enormous!) Be ready for lots of walking. Bring a change of clothes and towels. Bring snacks and sandwiches.  This saved us a lot of time during lunch. Being able to feed the kids quickly whenever they were hungry was a great advantage.

-Don’t forget to decorate! Before your trip, head over to the dollar store and buy cheap birthday decorations for the car and hotel room. This made it feel like a true birthday party for them and was a great surprise when they saw all the balloons and steamers everywhere!

-Pack a birthday gift! If you don’t want to spend a lot of money in the gift shop, bring your own gift to the park. I was able to put together a great Lego inspired birthday gift for Jax and gave it to him there at the park. Luckily we were able to skip over the gift shop this trip! Just a tip that may save you a little extra money.

If you are planning on visiting Legoland this year, I highly recommend going to their Brick or Treat event in October. We did it last year and the kids had the time of the life. Trick or treating ,fun rides and mild Florida weather is the perfect combo. Enjoy and have fun.

Xo, CG

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