throw a safe football party get together during a pandemic

Hosting a Safe Super Bowl Football Party During a Pandemic

Football season has been a bit different this year along with many other aspects of our lives. Football season for our family has always been a symbol of the holiday season – fun, relaxation, friends, and parties. With all the changes, it definitely has been challenging to keep the spirit of the season. And with the Super Bowl around the corner, it’s time to ramp up that spirit again! I believe that with a little creativity, a positive mindset, and some planning, we can still create great memories and a fantastic celebration of our favorite football teams. So today on FF, I am going to plan a fun, safe, and delicious Super Bowl football party get together at home.

Let’s go!

The Game Plan

When we can, I believe it is so important to try and celebrate good times, find the positive in situations, and make some happy memories with your family and friends. For our family, this mindset has been helping us to get through these challenging times.

And what better reason than football to get together, celebrate, and have fun?!

But how do you keep everyone safe? These 5 tips are a great start to having a safe and fun football party get together during a pandemic.

1. Stick with Outdoor Entertaining

I know this tip seems obvious, but it’s something worth mentioning. Make sure everyone feels comfortable by hosting the party outside, weather permitting, where you can easily keep a safe distance from others.

I love this outdoor movie screen for watching the game. We purchased this months ago and use it all the time to host outdoor movie nights or small gatherings with night

2. Spread Out Multiple Serving Tables

Set up multiple serving tables so people are not crowded together when grabbing food. I like to set up 2 or 3 tables of food and drinks with different recipes that are spaced out all over the backyard.

Having multiple tables prevents a bottleneck effect where everyone is lining up for food at the same time. Your guests can walk around at a safe distance to serve themselves.

3. Portion Foods Individually for Easy Self-Service

I love this tip! And I can really use my creativity with this one.

Veggie and humus appetizers, pasta sides, and almost all other traditional side dishes can be individually served in small, single-serve cups. Avoid large bags or bowls of food that require grabbing, like chips, to ensure safety and comfort among your guests.

4. Space Out Seating Across Your Backyard

Safe seating is important so people can comfortably go to different areas and maintain the 6-foot distance guideline.

Understand that everyone has different anxieties, stresses, and fears about the virus. Where some people do not fear infection at all, others want to wear masks all the time and follow all social distancing guidelines. Everyone should feel comfortable without being judged. Make sure there are plenty of areas where people can follow guidelines as they see fit.

5. Set Up a Basket of Masks and Hand Sanitizers for Guests

Wow! I never thought PPE would be part of hosting my events, yet here we are. I love giving out small gift bags at my parties, so I will simply use PPE goodies for those gifts.

The Main Event – The Food

We all know that the best part of football parties is the great food. When I host for football games, I love to do lots of small plates. Small plates are great for safe individual serving and fun. Here are my top picks.

1. Mac and Cheese Bite Appetizers

These are fun and delicious! Who doesn’t love mac and cheese?! It’s so easy to substitute your favorite cheeses in this recipe. Place each bite in a cute little football themed cupcake wrapper for an added creative touch!

mac and cheese bites

 2. Delicious and Easy Loaded Potato Skin Fries 

These are so yummy and so simple. Instead of letting guests serve themselves, place potato skins individually on top of a football themed napkin for people to grab!

potato skins

3. Buffalo Chicken Sliders

I love that these sliders are small bites to ensure safety. And these are so simple! I love a good slow cooker recipe. Place them on small football themed appetizer plates for easy, safe grabbing.

football party appetizers buffalo chicken sliders

 4. Slow Cooker Corn Dip

You can’t get any easier or more delicious than this corn dip recipe. I love to serve this dip with Tostitos along side salsa and guacamole.

 5. Buffalo Chicken Cheese Balls

These cheese balls are INCREDIBLE. You have to put in a little bit of work with these appetizers, but it is well worth the effort in the end!

Final Thoughts on a Safe Football Party Get Together

I hope these ideas give you some great, easy, and safe options for hosting a fabulous football party during a pandemic.

Spending time with friends and family is an important part of maintaining social and emotional health, wellness, and happiness. Seeing friends and family gives us a sense of normalcy and relieves stress.

We can absolutely continue to be social during a pandemic. Just be responsible by following and respecting safety and health guidelines.

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