Navigating COVID-19 as a Parent: A Pediatrician’s Advice
Becoming a parent is one of the biggest transitions we make in our lifetime. We go from being responsible for ourselves to having the life of a tiny tiny baby in our hands. And then we have to nurture and grow this tiny baby into adulthood! The unknowns and fears can be very overwhelming, especially if you are a first time parent, and especially when a pandemic is underway. So today, let’s address your most pressing COVID questions from pregnancy through childhood.
Answers to COVID Questions for Parents and Parents-to-Be
Navigating parenthood during a pandemic almost seems impossible. Something as simple as taking your newborn for their well baby checkups becomes terrifying. There are so many questions and uncertainties.
I want to address some the common questions and fears new parents and parents-to-be have about COVID-19 as it relates to their health and the health of their children.
Just click through to each page below for a rundown of common questions I’ve received during this novel coronavirus outbreak.
Pregnancy and Postpartum Q&A
Expecting a baby is a joyous and exciting time! But expecting a baby during a worldwide pandemic is not ideal. Stress and worry may begin to creep in. My sisters and I created Forever Freckled as a resource for navigating parenthood. As you embark on this great adventure during this unprecedented time, we’re here for you!
Newborn Q&A
Usually, family and friends would be begging to meet your new little one. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the days and weeks are flying by while friends and family keep a safe distance. Is it okay for you to have people over to meet the baby? What about the proud grandparents? Let’s talk about the safest options right now.
Toddler and Older Child Q&A
We’ve all heard that children aren’t suffering as severely from COVID symptoms as our elderly population. You may feel relieved at this news and even feel it’s okay to relax the restrictions a little with toddlers and older children. But is that safe? What are the differences of the novel coronavirus in toddlers, older children, and adults? We’ve got the answers to these important questions.
Your COVID Questions Answered
My sisters and I created Forever Freckled as a resource for parents and pet lovers to navigate the daily obstacles of parenthood. We are always here to help ease your fears, answer your questions, and hopefully put a smile on your face during this difficult time.
~Dr. Katie