Affordable Work Out Gear

Hey Everyone!

I hope you all survived winter storm Jonas! The pictures online looked pretty incredible. When I lived in New York I always loved when it snowed. It’s easy to say you miss the cold sitting comfortably in the warmth all the way from sunny Florida, although we did have a small cold front come in over this past week.

Note to Florida moms: Keep some warm PJ’S for your little one on standby in case of a sudden cold front! Nothing like a last minute trip to Target at 8pm.

I am sure you are all cozying up on your couches and binge watching Netflix right now, but if you’re not and you have some motivation to work out then this blog is perfect for you! Even though I am not an active wear outfit kind of girl, there are some brands that I love buying for their great quality and reasonable price. I absolutely love Lululemon, but if you’re not my dad (who is obsessed with their men’s clothes) or someone who can afford $100 yoga pants, then here are some great alternatives for you.

I am not doing well with my New Years resolution of losing the last of this baby weight. Maybe this blog will motivate me a bit this week! 🙂

My Favorite Brands: Zella, Target, Old Navy, Gap Fit, Nike and Adidas

Stay Warm everyone!


{Pink T-back Sports Bra, Grey Hoodie, Red Strappy Sports Bra, Black Low V top, Pink Tank, Neon Green Mesh Top, Grey Flowy Tank, Nike Grey Sneakers, Neon Yellow APL Sneakers, Black APL Sneakers, Black and White Spotted Nike Sneakers, Pink Flowy Tee, Bra and Tank Combo, Hot Pink Pants, Black Adidas, Grey Nike Sweats, Blue Pants, Light Pink Long Sleeve, Black and White Pant}

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