All You Need Is Love…Or A Really Awesome Gift Guide
Hey Guys!
According to my husband, Valentines day is a dumb holiday and was solely made up to sell more crap you don’t need. I see it as another day to celebrate LOVE…and to get a few great gifts. Cmon we work hard. We juggle careers, kids, tantrums and literally so much more! So why not take an extra day to focus on the positive and gush over each other with candy, flowers and maybe a really fun purse! Or if else fails and my hubby shows up empty handed, I am more than happy to buy myself a gift
Today I am rounding up a ton of really awesome gift ideas. I decided to go mostly with a full on Valentines day theme with my gift choices so I apologize in advance if you hate red pink, hearts or flowers. I have to start out with some AMAZING makeup products we recently received from the company Aesthetica. I have never has the time to educate myself on contouring, highlighting or even that you had to fill in your eyebrows. Makeup and beauty in general is a new found obsession of mine and it has been so fun trying out all these new products. And each item comes with details instructions on how to properly use it for the best results. Here were 3 of my faves and a link above to where to you can buy them:
{Valentine’s Day Gift Guide}