The girls of Forever Freckled talk about why it is so hard as mom to take "Me Time" and give quick ways to promote self health.

Why I Am Going To Be My Own Valentine This Year!

The girls of Forever Freckled talk about why it is so hard as mom to take "Me Time" and give quick ways to promote self health.

Why is it that from the moment you become a parent, “me time” is consider taboo? Instead of telling our partner we are getting our nails done, we say we are in the grocery store. Instead of telling our mommy friends that we are getting our hair done, we tell them we are off to Michael’s craft store to get supplies for a school project. Our annual doctor and dentist appointments collect dust at the bottom of our to do lists. When we finally do decide to take a moment for ourselves, the anxiety sinks in as we go over the list of things that need to get done, or feel a horrible sense of guilt that we are not spending every free moment with our children. There is so much to do with managing of children’s schedule, balancing work, and maintaining the household, that we feel badly taking any time away from our responsibilities. But as the leaders of our family, isn’t important to take care of ourselves?  The reality is that the more balanced and happy you are as a person, the better colleague, friend, partner, and parent you become. Remember our own self-care matters. We never overlook our children’s’ health, so we shouldn’t overlook our own health!

I have teamed up with KnowYourOTCs and some other incredible bloggers to stress the importance of self health and balance. We want to challenge parents to be your own valentine this holiday, and take a little time to incorporate some “me time” into your weekly routine. It can be a simple as waking up 15 minutes early to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee, meditating for 10 minutes before you go to sleep, or getting in a quick work out.

Your Overall Health.  Maintain general health and support your immune system with vitamins and dietary supplements. Millions of Americans are at risk for vitamin deficiencies. From people with food allergies, to pregnant women, to healthy adults, to vegetarians and vegans, learn how vitamins and supplements help support overall wellness by following this link.

Mental Health.  Meditation is an easy, fast, and affordable way to disconnect and recharge. Alison swears by the app Simple Habit. Mediation has been shown not only to have many mental health benefits, but physical health benefits as well. For all of our NYC parents, have you heard of Be Time yet?  It is a mobile meditation studio.  A mom of twins created the concept and it is genius! It is a mediation studio on wheels that stops at different locations each day, making it more convenient for people to get some “MeTime”.  Next stop…Miami!?

Your Skin.  Love the skin you’re in!  While warm showers and baths can be a welcoming antidote to long, stressful days, they can also strip the moisture from our skin. Create a skin care regime that works for you! You don’t need to invest in expensive creams, there are things in your own refrigerator that can help to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

Your Body.  There are so many ways to incorporate fitness into your life. For many parents, the task of getting to the gym is daunting and inconvenient. There are incredible workouts that can be done within your house and in less that 30 minutes. It is important to set realistic goals and find something that can easily fit into your busy life. My sister and I love Sweat with Kayla!

Your Pain Management.  If your new exercise routine has your muscles aching, or you come down with a cold or flu, you may be reaching for an OTC pain reliever to ease your symptoms. Be confident you are reaching for the “right” pain reliever to treat your symptoms by following this link to a new, interactive tool on the

There are so many resources out there to help us become more balanced, which are time efficient and free. We feel guilty taking time to ourselves, but it is necessary to maintain our physical and mental health. Whether it is a 25 minute workout video, meditation, or grabbing a quick cup of coffee with a friend, try to discover what brings you the most peace and incorporate it into your routine. Happy Valentine’s Day!


I’m proud to take part as a blogging ambassador with the CHPA (Consumer Healthcare Products Association) Educational Foundation and This is a Sponsored Post! While I Have Received Compensation From The CHPA Educational Foundation, All Opinions Are My Own.

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