fitness goals for busy working women

Tips for Working Out and Staying Fit with a Very Busy Schedule

Hello everyone! I hope everyone is sailing into the New Year with ease and new motivation. I don’t know about you, but every New Year, I make all these resolutions to be healthier, stay more fit and exercise, make more time for myself, or be more present in the moment with the best of intentions and mindset. Sometimes these resolutions are achievable and easy to accomplish, while other times, these fitness and lifestyle goals just place more pressure on an already very busy schedule. But I have a few fitness goals and tips for all you busy women to help you stay on track and stay fit and healthy this year!

Let’s get started!

4 Fitness Goals for Women – Tips for Busy Moms

The point of New Year’s resolutions is to make yourself happier, healthier, and better in some way. One way to accomplish these goals is to set realistic expectations. It is so cliché that people promise to get in shape and start working out this time of year. The gym memberships soar, the money invested in workout clothes, classes, and workout equipment quadruples, and the TV is filled with commercials and advertisements for workout machines. We invest all this time and money into “working out” into the New Year, and come March, we become overwhelmed with our busy lives and fall short of our goals.

Well, today I’m sharing my top fitness tips and goals for busy women – the best ways to stay fit and feel good while balancing a very busy life.

1. Set a Reasonable Goal that Works for You

This tip is golden!

My goal is to work out just three times each week – not six. With the right workout, three sessions a week is plenty to stay fit and feel strong. If I have time to squeeze in more sessions, I will, but three is my achievable goal.

Always start with a goal that is not overwhelming.

If you don’t currently work out at all, make your goal one time per week and work your way up. Feeling overwhelmed defeats the purpose! Shoot for stress-free, easy ways to fit your goals into your busy schedule.

2. Pick the Right Workout

Let me explain!

As much as I would love to go to a 1-hour class, visit the Pilates studio, or hit up the gym, I just don’t have the time anymore.

With a busy career plus three kiddos, it’s not easy for me to get in the car, drive somewhere, exercise for an hour, and drive home. Before I know it, I’ve spent 2 hours from start-to-finish with my workout routine.

But these days, everything is about convenience and accessibility. Workouts are changing with the times! There are so many phone apps with short and effective workouts that you can easily do at home with minimal space and equipment.

I love Kayla Itsines workouts! They are quick, 28-minute, full-body workouts that keep you toned, fit, and strong. There are many workouts now that emulate hers, but she is the original and THE BEST!

3. Make the Commitment

I know this one is obvious, but make the commitment and really stick to it.

At the beginning of each week, pick which days you are going to exercise, and make it happen. Everyone can find a few minutes to move (on lunch break at work, after the kids go to sleep, or even before your day starts).

Once you make the commitment and start following through, you will see it isn’t really as time consuming as you thought it would be.

4. Give It Some Time

When you see and feel results, you’ll become more motivated to the journey.

Don’t feel discouraged and give up if you don’t see results immediately. Also, don’t just think about the results you can measure. Think about more than just the results you can see. Give your new schedule a full month, and then see how you FEEL! I don’t love working out, and I certainly I don’t jump at every opportunity to squeeze in another 30 minutes.

Nope, that is not me.

I do, however, like feeling strong, healthy, and good about myself. After you commit to working out, you will start to feel the same way. Soon enough, working out will no longer be just an item on your to do list. It will be a lifestyle!

Final Thoughts on Busy Women’s Fitness Goals

I hope these tips are helpful on your journey. For me, working out and staying fit is less about what I look like and more about how I feel. I promise, after a month of short workouts, three times a week, you will feel the same way!

Happy New Year!


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  1. Great tips! I choose a gym super close to my house (in fact, I walk there to get in a warm-up/cool-down) so I don’t have the excuse of a commute to stop me. My gym also offers a 30 minute circuit, so I always know exactly how long I will be there for, which really helps. In the end, the most important thing is to just commit to it and do it. Now that I have been working out regularly, I found that I really love having some time each week that is just for me and it’s much easier to keep going.