FF Picks for Adorable Personalized Baby Gifts!

This week, I thought it would be fun to switch it up a bit and take a quick break from my usual fashion/beauty blogs. Between my sisters and their babies, all my friends’ babies, and now that I have less than 4 months to go until my little man arrives, I wanted to share some of my favorite personalized baby gifts. These gifts are a great way to show someone that you put in some extra effort to pick out a truly thoughtful and unique present for them! I am always looking online for those really special items to give my friends who are mommies and mommies to be. I try to give a little something that will stand out and make make them feel special.  Personalized gifts are always a hit. In case your gift is for someone who is not having a baby shower, don’t worry! All of these suggestions are great gifts for baby showers and for after their babies arrive. Here are our favorite picks:

Land of Nod Growth Chart’s

Boogie Baby Towel

Pottery Barn Plush and Blanket Set 

Nordstrom Piggy Bank

Pottery Barn Personalized Books

Pottery Barn My First Anywhere Chair

Land of Nod Wall Art

Jennifer Ann Personalized Leggings and Top Knot Headbands

Pottery Barn Animal Rocker

Name Stool

Another great present that I want to recommend is this adorable book holder that my sister Alison has in her toy room. After her son Luke was born, her mother-in-law, Debbie gave this to Luke for his playroom! So unique and different! You can order this, and other items in the picture, from Just a Dream in West Orange, NJ.


Hope this list was helpful to you and gives you some great ideas for the next time you need to pick something out for a mommy to be in your life!

xo, CG

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