What’s On My Changing Table?
It’s official! One month from today I will be meeting my little boy. Unless he wants to surprise us a bit early, and I will have zero objections to that! After week 35, it simply feels impossible to get through each day. The aches and pains are starting to become overbearing. Although, just the simple notion that I only have 4 weeks left is helping me get through this last hump in my pregnancy. The nursery is completely set up and ready for baby boy’s arrival. With this being my second child, I definitely feel like I have a better understanding of how to set up a nursery and what I need to keep at arms reach for every day use. I wanted my changing table area to be super organized with my favorite products! So, today I am narrowing it down for you guys, and letting you in on my must-have products to keep on or near your changing table!
Keekaroo: This time around I decided to buy my dresser for baby Greenberg on Wayfair. It actually wasn’t meant for a nursery so it didn’t come with a changing table on top, which I am totally okay with because I was eyeing the Keekaroo for a while now. The material makes it easy to wipe off spit up, food, and whatever other mess your baby makes. The design provides a perfect cozy little nook and prevents your baby from rolling off. It’s also extremely durable!
Mylicon Gas Relief Drops: When Jax had gas discomfort as a newborn/infant, I used gripe water because I didn’t know better, and that is what the other moms were using. This time around I am using Mylicon Gas Relief Drops. You just add the drops to your baby’s bottle and it gently breaks up the gas bubbles trapped in your baby’s tummy! Since you can use these drops at every feeding, I like to have it near by on my changing table ready to be used whenever I need it! Next month, my sister Katie is going to be discussing the differences between gripe water and Mylicon drops- a must read for new moms!
Dr Brown’s Pacifier Wipes and Lovie Pacifiers: There will always be many pacifiers near and around my changing table. With a 3 year old running around the house, I am going to assume many of them will become lost and thrown on the floor! I always keep extra pacifiers all over the house, and like to keep some Dr Brown’s wipes handy for a quick clean.
Medela Tender Care Cream and Hydrogel Pads: I have used other brands in the past and there is no comparison when it comes to products that relieve painful and sore nipples. Medela’s cream does not stain your clothing like others do, and these gel pads are amazing. They are so comforting and a huge pain relief during the first few months.
Boogie Wipes: I rarely leave home without a pack of Boogie Wipes in my bag! So of course I am stocked up on my changing table as well. I always use them whenever I need to wipe Jax’s face or nose. With babies skin being so delicate, I want to make sure I am only using the best and safest products on his face.
Mustela Lotion: With my first, I didn’t know much about newborn skin and how to take care of it properly. I just bought any generic lotion from the store. Which turned out to be a bad decision because we were constantly battling rashes and eczema with Jax. With Mustela, I have the option to choose which products work for my babies specific skin type! Lotioning is part of our every day routine and it’s convenient to have it right next to me when I am changing him after bath time. Personally I love the newborn gift set because it includes all the major products you need to get started! It’s also an amazing gift if you need an idea for someone’s baby shower.
Dr Brown’s Teether: We have been brand ambassadors for Dr. Brown’s for a couple years now and there are not many other brands that I trust more than them. I use their options bottles and I love their teether’s! Teether’s are great to have handy to keep your baby busy when you are changing them.
Zoli Nail Trimmer: All I need to say is- who wants to clip a baby’s nails with that teeny tiny horrifying nail clipper? It is terrifying and each time I did it with Jax I prayed I wouldn’t cut his skin. Why go through that? Well you don’t have to anymore! Zoli created an electric nail trimmer that makes it so much easier to cut your baby’s nails. A must buy guys. Having it right near his changing pad reminds me to do it every week. You don’t want your baby scratching their face.
Aden and Anais Muslin Blanket and Bib: I love all of their products and you will certainly find one of their blankets in every inch of my house. I always keep a clean muslin blanket and bib on my changing table at all times because the Keekaroo can be cold to the baby’s naked skin. I always lie a blanket down to add that extra layer of warmth. I also like having the burp bib nearby for all of a sudden spit ups, which is often!
Nose Frida: Who doesn’t love sucking their babies snot out? Haha just kidding. For real though, this product seems strange, but it is so affective. I used this a lot with my first. It is a great product to use while your child’s on the changing pad. I can imagine this baby may catch a few germs with a big brother around so it’s a must have in my nursery!
Abby & Finn Diapers: I love this company and their diapers! I don’t have to worry about ordering new diapers ever! I can order multiple sizes in one box so there are no leftovers. With each monthly box subscription, they donate a diaper a day to families in need. If I have to spend the money to buy diapers anyway, there is no better feeling than knowing you’re supporting a great company and a great cause.
Braun Thermometer: With my sister Katie always reminding me how dangerous a newborn fever is, you better believe I have a thermometer around at all times! I also have a rectal thermometer (yep Katie says this is the best way to take your child’s temp accurately) but I don’t like doing that so we have a couple options!
I hope this was helpful if you are setting up your nursery like I am! These are my favorite products to have nearby. Stay tuned because in a couple weeks I am going through my hospital bag and letting you know all my favorite items to pack!