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Tips For The Week!

Alison’s Tip

It is summer time and heat stroke is a real and deadly disease during the summertime.  I unfortunately see this emergency often and it can result in death.  Here are ways to avoid heat stroke in your pet during the summer months.

  • Please NEVER leave your dog or cat in a car with the engine off, even if the windows are open
  • Avoid the hottest parts of the day for exercise- walk and exercise your dog early in the morning or at night
  • If your pet is outside, make sure there is plenty of shade and fresh water
  • Brachycephalic breeds, dogs with pushed in faces like pugs and bulldogs, are more susceptible to heat stroke.  Extra caution should be taken with them
  • Please review the common clinical signs associated with heat stroke and have your pet evaluated by your veterinarian immediately if any of these clinical signs are noted

Katie’s Tip

Drowning prevention and swim safety is always important when water is involved. However, it is equally important to protect your children from injuries that occur surrounding pools. The entryways to your home and areas surrounding the pool become extremely slippery when wet. I have been seeing a lot of head injuries, fractures, and lacerations because of children slipping and falling after getting out of the pool. Please invest in a swim shoe that has a rubber sole. Also, make sure the first thing you dry off when your child gets out of the pool is the bottom of their feet!

See you Wednesday

Carrie’s Tip

My family and I love the holidays! Time to celebrate and make great memories with your loved ones. Since kids are now consumed with television, social media and video games, it’s always nice to disconnect and make time for some fun and simple DIY craft projects. Here are a few sites below that give simple and easy ones for you and your kids to try this weekend for July 4th!,, The crafty crow

My favorite from the above article is the canned goods can toss on! Having your kids paint their own cans and then making a fun carnival like game out out of it. Have fun and happy 4th!




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