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Tips For The Week

Alison’s Tip

Thunderstorm anxiety in our pets can be a big problem and something I am seeing regularly at my animal hospital.  Anxieties can range from mild signs such as panting, pacing, trembling, and hiding, to more severe signs such as causing destruction to themselves and the environment, trying to run away, and crying. There are measures we can take to help our pets weather the storm and be more comfortable through the end of rainy season.

  • Make a safe zone for your pet- an enclosed area that has a blanket in and around it to block out sounds and vibrations and provide a place for them to hide and feel safe
  • Thunderstorm jackets provide your pet with a sense of comfort and protection
  • Natural pheromones and other calming supplements such as rescue remedy can aid in an overall calming effect
  • Remain calm and relaxed- pets sense our anxiety and stress.  It is important for their owners to be calm and collective
  • In the worse scenarios where pets are causing harm to themselves and environment, speak with your veterinarian regarding sedatives and anti anxiety medications that they can prescribe.


Katie’s Tip


A little nervous about your toddler adjusting to preschool, try this book!  Llama Llama Misses Mama . The key to an easy transition is to communicate to your child that you will be returning. Have the same good bye ritual, always explaining when you will be coming back to get them . “Have fun at school today, mommy or daddy can’t wait to see you after lunch”. It may take a few weeks for them to adjust, but routine is the key to your child becoming adjusted to a new schedule.



Hey Guys! I have officially and successfully completed my first experience traveling with a baby. I have to admit that it wasn’t nearly as stressful as I thought it would be. Here are a few tips I learned that may help your journey too!

  1. If you are renting a car with a car seat, make sure you know what kind of car seat it is and how to instal it. Dustin and I spent an hour sitting by the airport curb trying to instal it properly.
  2. If you are renting a house somewhere, it doesnt hurt to ask if they offer highchairs and cribs to rent. Traveling with 3 suitcases, a pack and play and a large stroller was not easy! The company that we rented the cabin from offered these items to families.
  3. I get it, not everyone agrees with children watching television. Sorry, I’m not one of those people lol! When I need, it can be a life saver. After our two hour plane ride we had a two hour car ride. This iPad back of seat holder was perfect for the road trip. Jax sat there quietly without fussing once! A must buy 🙂  This one is great because it doubles as a mirror as well.










































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