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Tips For The Week

Alison’s Tip

People always ask me “how often should I take my pet to my veterinarian?”  I always recommend to have your pet evaluated by your veterinarinan 2 times per year.  When they are older, (over the age of 8), I recommend 3 to 4 times per year, with yearly bloodwork.  Pets cannot tell us when subtle things are wrong, and often times it can be overlooked. Early disease detection and preventive care is always the best medicine.


Katie’s Tip

Did you know that pouring white wine on red wine will help neutralize the red wine and will make it easier to lift the color off of your carpet or clothing?  If you are out to dinner and spilled red wine on your favorite shirt, simply pour white wine over the stained area and very gently blot the liquid up with a thick towel. If the stain is still visible, add a large amount of salt to the stain to absorb the rest of the stain. See you Wednesday!



I dont know about you, but contouring can be a bit overwhelming to me. I love Maybelline’s Dream Lumi Touch Highlighting concealer. It is a quick and easy way to add just the right amount of shine to your skin without the hassle of contouring. Hello Strobing!!!



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